The past few days have been amazing since posting the last topic about modesty and how Yahweh is putting it on my heart to make changes regarding my wardrobe. I wanted to share these verses that really spoke to me and gave me even more revelation and confirmation about my lifestyle and the woman of Yahwah I desire to be.
I read Titus 2:3-5 and was amazed at how it spoke to me! I love how the Word of our Father can speak directly to the heart. Here is a version from the Aramaic translation:
Titus 2: 3. And so also the elder women that they be in behavior as is becoming to the Fear of Elohim; and not to be slanderers, and not to be addicted to much wine, and to be teachers of beautiful things. 4. making the younger women to be modest, to love their husbands and their children, 5. to be chaste and Set Apart and to take good care of their households and to be obedient to their husbands, so that no one may reproach the Word of Elohim.These verses really spoke to me about the importance of teaching the younger women to be modest. After the first lecture Paul gave about modesty, I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about this subject, and having my husband teach about it! I already feel that we live our lives pretty openly and when you feel strongly about a message, like eating healthy, then people are always observing what you eat! So I thought I would be ready to crawl under a rock and hide after this one. But I was actually encouraged even more by his lecture! Even more encouraging to me was when moms of teenagers came to thank us because their daughters were encouraged to dress more modestly! The next day I saw these beautiful girls wearing beautiful skirts and they were dancing and having fun and their hearts had changed! That is what spoke to my heart. Seeing the importance of teaching young women to dress modestly. I knew at that moment that I needed to be setting a righteous example for these young girls. It's not about me, it's about Him, and he calls us to teach and guide younger women!
I am so thankful for all of the spiritual "moms" who have guided me and shared their wisdom with me throughout my life. Now that I am a wife and mother, I hope to bring the same wisdom and encouragement to other women, and to guide and teach my daughter in truth and purity. We definitely need to grow and learn from each other!
It was also amazing that some of the older men who listened to the lecture thanked Paul and shared with him that this is a topic they struggle with as well. It humbled me to discover that these strong men of Yahweh struggled with immodestly dressed women. It is more common than I had thought! I no longer want to be a stumbling block to these sensitive men who are pursuing righteousness.
I am slowly making changes to the way I dress, and trying to find new clothes that are more acceptable to who I hope to be. It's not easy trying to find modest clothes in the malls and other stores that I was used to shopping. I know that Yahweh is really speaking to me about where I spend my money and the businesses I am supporting. I definitely want to make our own clothes soon, but in the meantime, I am trying to be mindful of what and wear I buy my clothes, and the kind of fabric they are made with.
If any of you have any suggestions, please let me know! I am looking for clothes that are made with fabric 100%, like cotton, linen and wool. It hasn't been easy, but I know that when I find something that meets my "new" criteria regarding modesty and fabric that it is meant to be for me.
Karen reminded me of a video that Paul did with Rico Cortes and he discusses the vibrational frequencies in our words, thoughts and clothing. She has a great blog at, so check that out too.
Now that I have started our "Spring Cleansing," I am going to remove some of those items in my closet that I know are no longer acceptable for me to wear. I may not be ready to get rid of everything, but in time it will get easier. At least I'll be making room for the beautiful clothes I am envisioning wearing in the future!