It might seem a little overwhelming at first when you start to make healthy changes to your family’s diet, but once you get the hang of it, it starts to come naturally! A great place to start is to replace a meal or snack that might not be that “healthy” with something that is healthy. If you find a healthy alternative for a food in your diet that you know is not good for you, then you won’t even miss that food!
I know for me that learning how to make a few raw food desserts helped me resist the temptations of the unhealthy desserts I was so accustomed to eating. It is so simple to make a raw, fruit pie using nuts, dates and any fresh or frozen fruit as a topping. I often made these pies for my friends who weren’t familiar with the raw food diet, and they loved them! You can also make date balls with the same ingredients you use in the pie crust; dates and nuts. It is really simple, and children love them!
When we first began to introduce raw foods into Noa’s diet, she had just turned 1. We really tried to hold off on feeding her any foods because we did not feel that it was necessary for her to eat anything other than breastmilk from me. She barely had any teeth to chew any food either! We researched a lot about what age is appropriate to start feeding infants, and we decided that we would not introduce new foods until she turned one, and she was almost two before I really felt like she was actually eating. She mostly put food into her mouth, chewed it up, and then spit it out. I did let her put food into her mouth before she was one, like avocados and bananas, but she was not consistently eating solid foods. I admit too, there was a lot of pressure from family members and friends to start feeding her. I tried to explain nicely that we are waiting, and that she is receiving enough nutrients from me for it to be any concern.
Now that Noa is two, she is eating a diet similar to mine. We drink fresh green juices in the morning, which can include kale, collards, sunflower sprouts, celery, cucumber, apple, and carrot. For snacks, we eat blueberries, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, bananas, apples, cucumbers and lots of other fresh fruit, especially if it is in season. Black sapotes are in season now here in South Florida, they are also called Chocolate Pudding Fruit, and if you aren’t familiar with them, they are a delicious fruit, high in ascorbic acid. We have been making lots of recipes with the black sapotes that I will be posting soon. Noa loves them, and can recognize them in the market too. I love it when she says “black sapotes” and points to them before I can even find them! For lunch, we eat avocados and kimchi, and maybe sprouted and lightly cooked quinoa too. We really try and keep it simpl
e, and we also adhere to the Daylight Diet.
If you are beginning to make the transition to healthier foods for your family, then try and make it fun for them. And try not to use the word “healthy” too, because that might trigger an automatic “ewwww” response. Just have fun and be creative, and your family will follow your lead!
Great post with excellent tips!
It is nice to hear that you waited longer than the "recommended" time to start feeding Noa solids. I feel the same way, but no one else around me does!
As far as adhering Noa to the Daylight Diet, she is still nursing after her lunch meal, right? Just no solid food? And I'm guessing you have lunch in the afternoon, like 2ish?
I like your blog, so post more often! :)
<3 Jessica
This was just wonderfull information, thank you very much!
Do you have a recipe for kimchi? I got one from the internet, but it's hotter than blazes.
Shalom! How wonderful that you began her life this way! Mine have no problem with eating kosher, but raw is another story entirely. It's hard to undo a decade's worth of poor eating habits. I told my kids that I'm not buying any more processed food, so I guess they'll have to get used to it and I'll have to get really creative. Right now, complaints are abounding!
I've never heard of a black Sapota (sp?) either. It does look like choc pudding!
Wonderful post, great tips!!
It really is easier than people want to believe--transitioning a family to higher percentages of raw foods. I think the key is truly believing in what you are trying to accomplish and doing it all with LOVE. Your family will feel the love as they see how much care and effort you go through trying to nourish them with the foods that God has blessed us with.
Peace and Raw Health,
PS Hopefully I can find some of the fruit over here on the East coast of Florida. I would love to try them.
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Peace and Raw Health,
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