Thursday, December 10, 2009

Avo-Lime Pie Recipe!


2 cups grated coconut
1/2 cup cashews
2 TBSP raw honey
1 TBSP lime zest*
2 TBSP water
sea salt as desired

3 ripe avocados
1/2 cup lime juice
1/2 cup raw honey
Zest of 6 limes*
2 TBSP coconut oil
2 TSP vanilla powder or extract
sea salt as desired

1/2 cup chia get or 2 TBSP psyillium husk powder

Process crust ingredients in food processor until ball forms, then press into a springform pan.

Blend all ingredients for the filling in a high speed blender, add the psyillium husk powder, then blend again, or stir in chia gel by hand.

Pour in the filling on top of the crust, and let stand in the refrigerator until it sets.


*Lime zest is the outermost skin layer of citrus fruits. You can remove the zest with a citrus zester, paring knife or vegetable peeler. Use only the colored part and add to the recipe. You can also squeeze the oil out of the zest using a sprout bag.

We will be posting a how-to-video for this recipe soon, so check back!!!

1 comment:

YahKheena said...

This is great! My husband loves keylime pie...does this have the same flavor and texture as a keylime pie? I really want him to eat more raw foods. Paul had said in one of his teachings that men really don't care about raw food they just want it to taste the big question, how does it taste? I also want to make your strawberry cheese cake, I'm not sure which video it was on, but I do know it looked yummy!!